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It is a physical structure, geolocated and influenced by power dynamics. Cables, satellites, antennas, servers, computers, cell phones, extractivism, programmed obsolescence, electronic waste, running coding, content moderation... there is a lot of materiality and labor involved in making everything work! Who holds power over each segment of this complex structure? From which territories are the mineral resources being extracted for this technology to exist?

Where is all the electronic waste being disposed of? Who benefits from connectivity, and who is left behind? What values are embedded in the algorithms? Who profits? Who is surveilled? What are the colonial relations that remain in digital technologies? The Internet is a territory in dispute, a struggle that impacts the futures of our democracies and possible paths towards climate and socio-environmental justice.




The idea of developing a cartography that illustrates the physical and geopolitical dimensions of the internet's structure is an attempt to materialize the cloud. The term 'cloud' refers to a tech imaginary that exists in the absence of a place or territory, something immaterial, abstract, timeless, and apolitical.


But by materializing the cloud, the power relations that permeate the functioning of the network become visible, from the layer of physical infrastructure to the sphere of algorithmic decisions. Extractive relationships, practices of digital colonialism, and the establishment of monopolies become evident. We begin to consider that situating where we come from, where we are, and who we are, in all its dimensions of gender, sexuality, race, class, ethnicity, culture, and nationality, matters in our relationship with this technology. The internet is a territory in dispute. Therefore, we need to understand its power dynamics.


We hope that this map can be used as a tool for workshops and to stimulate conversations about digital colonialism and the role of technologies in the debates about climate and socio-environmental justice. But remember, drawing cartographies is a living experience. Maps are updated as territories change and the perspective of the cartographer evolves. Therefore, not all territories and aspects of the internet have been mapped in this exercise, but gradually, we will update this cartography with new information and perspectives. It's worth following Coding Rights' social media channels to stay updated or to offer your opinions and suggest changes!

Tech Cartographies is a project developed by Coding Rights, in collaboration with the Rede Transfeminista de Cuidados Digitais and with the support of Heinrich-Böll Foundation Brazil and Ford Foundation.

Concept: Joana Varon and Clarote

Researchers: Joana Varon, Bruna Zanolli and Mari Tamari

Design: Clarote

Interactivity: Diana Cury


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CRArtboard 13.png


BOLLArtboard 1.png

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